When contacting us to make changes to your account, please allow for proper notice for your request to be processed, about 2 or more days. We will do everything we can to make your changes promptly, but please keep in mind that the more time you give the easier it will be for us to accommodate your request. For service cancellation we require 7 days’ notice.
Give Us a Call at:
(206) 634 BABY (2229) or (800) 562 BABY (2229)
Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm (PST)
Friday, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Email Us at:
For customer inquiries: info@BabyDiaperService.net
For sales or marketing inquires: sales@BabyDiaperService.net
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We have Moved!
18255 Segale Park Drive B
Tukwila, WA 98188
Or Contact Us Online Using the Baby Diaper Contact Form
Your interest in our service is very important to us.
We will have someone from our Customer Service Department contact you as soon as possible!